Palm Vx Battery Replacement

Palm Vx Battery Replacement

When the Palm Vx battery fails, you should throw it away and get yourself a modern ultra slim handheld. A Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 has a wonderful large screen and can do more than a Palm Vx.

However, for an engineer such as me, it is an ideal opportunity for experimentation, to see how the device was designed and constructed. I had a great time reverse engineering some of its code and even experimented adding larger memory chips. As you can see, it is just like any other computer and it has a processor, a memory, and a display. In many ways, this type of design is much simpler compared to a personal computer.

Changing the Battery

Back when this handheld came out, lithium-ion technology was new and considered to last forever, hence the manufacturers sealed it into the case, thinking it would never require replacement. However, after a hundred recharge cycles, people started to notice that the battery was not holding the same amount of charge as when new.

The Palm Vx battery is the red component that is usually stuck to the LCD panel with glue. The best time to remove it is when you have just opened the back cover because the heat will have softened the glue. Do not forcibly pull the battery as it may crack the very thin display panel, which is made of glass.

This Article Continues...

Palm Vx Review
Palm Vx Reset
Opening the Palm Vx Back Cover
Palm Vx Battery Replacement
Palm Vx Chipset
Palm Vx Battery E17A
Palm Vx Digitizer
Palm Vx Cracked LCD Glass
Palm Vx Battery Drain Issue & Mods
Palm Vx Charger Adapter
Palm Vx Will Not Turn ON – Troubleshooting
Palm Vx Accessories
Palm Vx Modem
Palm Vx USB Cable
Palm Vx Factory Reset